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Insights from Xactly's 2024 Sales Compensation Report

Did you know that 70% of companies still use spreadsheets for sales compensation plan design?

With sales compensation plans so critical to motivating sellers to perform and maximizing returns – do manual processes have an impact on compensation plans’ success, and should companies consider more automated, more integrated solutions?

Created in partnership with Benchmarkit, Xactly’s 2024 Sales Compensation Report examines target performance, quota composition, plan design, and the processes behind planning sales compensation.

How will this survey help your sales compensation strategy?

  • Benchmark the performance of your own sales team against industry performance.
  • See how your peers set compensation plans, balance new business, and grow contracts.
  • Compare Account Executive (AE) compensation plans to Sales Development Representatives (SDRs).
  • Review which tools companies use to plan compensation, and how the right tools can help optimize sales compensation.
  • Get recommendations on what your company can do to improve plan design and performance.

Optimal sales compensation matters even more when the economy is turbulent. Now is the time to benchmark, gain insight, and optimize your compensation plans for maximum performance.

Sales compensation is changing. Get access to these thought-provoking data points and insights now so you can begin shaping the future of your sales teams today!