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Driving Revenue with Agile Sales Planning

Budgeting and forecasting numbers cannot be accurate when they are based on old data. Discover how a continuous approach to sales planning solves this.
Budgeting and forecasting numbers cannot be accurate when they are based on old data. Discover how a continuous approach to sales planning solves this.

Change is constant, and to stay competitive, sales organizations must adapt and adjust their strategies to continue driving growth. At Xactly, during a period of growth, change has impacted how we manage our sales teams and reinforced the importance of focusing on people—not just the technology and processes— to truly drive sales growth and unleash our team’s potential.  

Join us for a webinar on October 17, where Xactly Senior Director of FP&A, Patrick Hart, and Xactly VP of Sales Operations, Clark Green, will provide a behind the scenes look at what it took to embrace automated sales and territory planning and the impact it has had on their roles and the broader sales teams.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The benefits of a data-driven iterative approach to sales planning

  • Tips on how to improve coordination with finance and sales ops to create sales plans you actually use

  • Best practices to transition to a continuous approach that shortens cycle time and reduces errors

Can’t make the live session? Register now to receive immediate access to the on-demand version after October 17.

  • Forecasting
  • Sales Performance Management
  • Sales Planning