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3 Ways to Overcome ASC 606 Commission Accounting Challenges

Discover how Sitecore is adhering to ASC 606 (IFRS 15), how they have adjusted their accounting processes, and how Xactly CEA has helped simplify compliance.
Discover how Sitecore is adhering to ASC 606 (IFRS 15), how they have adjusted their accounting processes, and how Xactly CEA has helped simplify compliance.

Most companies have spent last year complying with the revenue aspects of ASC 606, while managing commissions accounting manually on spreadsheets. The initial stop gap approach has proven to be cumbersome, inefficient, and doesn’t provide a secure audit trail.

In this webinar, Sitecore Finance Director, Mayank Kalla, and Xactly Assistant Controller, Tom Stehno, share how their companies have overcome these challenges in accounting for commissions under ASC 606. They will discuss their compliance journey and how they are:

  • Aligning their expense accounting with their revenue methodology

  • Capturing and tracking the required sales commissions data

  • Managing impairments made to contracts before end of life

Even if your company doesn’t have a GAAP financial reporting obligation until after the end of the current year, the time to prepare is now.

Listen to the webinar to ensure compliance, a secure audit trail, and greater efficiencies in managing your commissions accounting under ASC 606.

  • Revenue Recognition (ASC 606)